Welcome to Directorate of Geology and Mining, Nagaland


  1. Mineral Exploration: Coal, Limestone, Magnetite and Minor minerals (Marble, Sandstone, Sand-gravel, Sand, clay, etc.)
  2. Groundwater: Construction of tubewells; Identification and construction of artificial recharge structures; Public awareness campaign on artificial recharge and judicious use of groundwater; and Monitoring of wells under NHNS
  3. Geohazards & Geotechnical studies: Maintenance of Seismic observatories and GPS stations; Seismic Microzonation studies; Landslide investigations and construction of subsurface drains for landslide stabilization; Geotechnical investigation & soil testing of foundations for engineering structures; Geoenvironment impact assessment due to anthropogenic activities- mining, engineering constructions, etc.
  4. Mineral development: Policy implementation- Issuing of Licenses ML/PL for mining of Coal and Minor minerals; Royalty collection of minerals; Monitoring of mining activities
  5. Services for Private/Public parties: Groundwater, Geotechnical, Laboratory analysis
  6. Giving technical support to Nagaland Petroleum & Natural Gas (NPNG) Board
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Current Events


Boulders from Naga Hills Ophiolite​

Geo Park at DGM Office Complex​